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Las primeras imágenes a todo color del telescopio espacial James Webb

Las primeras imágenes a todo color del telescopio espacial James Webb

El martes 12 de julio de 2022, la NASA reveló las primeras imágenes a todo color y los primeros datos espectroscópicos del telescopio especial James Webb, el observatorio espacial más poderoso jamás construido. Webb, un programa dirigido por la NASA en asociación con la Agencia Espacial Europea y la Agencia Espacial Canadiense, fue lanzado el 25 de diciembre de 2021 a bordo de un cohete Ariane5, desde el Puerto Espacial Europeo de Guyana Francesa, en América del Sur. Después de completar una compleja secuencia de despliegue en el espacio, Webb se sometió a meses de puesta en servicio durante los cuales se alinearon sus espejos, y sus instrumentos se calibraron para su entorno espacial y se prepararon para la investigación científica. #nasa #nasaenespañol #desplegandoeluniverso #unfoldtheuniverse #jameswebbspacetelescope Crédito de imágenes: NASA / ESA / CSA / STScI Crédito de video: Centro de Vuelo Espacial Goddard de la NASA Productora, escritora, narradora y editora: Noelia González (GSFC) Productor y Editor: Pedro Cota (GSFC) Crédito de música: Universal Production Music ________________________________________ ¡SÍGUENOS EN LAS REDES SOCIALES! ¿Te gustan nuestros videos? Suscríbete al canal de YouTube de la NASA en español: O búscanos en Twitter: En Instagram: Y en Facebook: Boletín semanal: Ciencia de la NASA: Descarga del video:
ORBIT - Journey Around Earth in Real Time // 4K Remastered

ORBIT - Journey Around Earth in Real Time // 4K Remastered

'Orbit' is a film by Seán Doran made with images courtesy NASA / ESRS / and music by Phaeleh Experience the beauty of planet Earth in Ultra High Definition. This film is approximately the same length of time as one complete orbit of Earth by ISS. The original version of 'Orbit' published in 2018 had 4,178,261 views before being superseded by this remastered version. The video footage featured in this film is derived from sequences of time-lapse photographs located in the image archive of NASA's Earth Science & Remote Sensing Unit. The footage was created using manual repair, image processing, grading & frame interpolation. This film is part of a series inspired by the music of Phaeleh... Orbit Nocturne Earthbound The International Space Station (ISS) is a space laboratory in low Earth orbit. It is a collaborative project between NASA, Roscosmos, JAXA, ESA & CSA. The Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit (ESRS) focuses on the study of Earth and its systems using sensors mounted on satellites, aircraft, or other platforms that can collect data from a distance. 00:00:00 Oceans 00:01:55 The Mist 00:08:23 Visions 00:16:33 Blue Night 00:23:00 Secrets 00:30:12 Two 00:34:16 Three 00:38:04 Four 00:42:53 Five 00:49:11 Six 00:52:25 Eight 00:56:39 Frequency 01:01:07 District 01:08:57 Frozen Sky 01:15:12 Hypnos 01:26:31 Empty Jar Phaeleh's music is available here... This film is protected by copyright. Illegal distribution is prohibited. #Earth #Orbit #4K #ISS #Realtime #Space #Overview #NASA #ESRSU #Portugal #Spain #Gibraltar #Mediterranean #Africa #Sahara #Algeria #TassiliNAjjerNationalPark #AhaggarNationalPark #Suez #Nile #SinaiPeninsula #FaiyumOasis #Egypt #RedSea #FarasanIslandMarineSanctuary #DahlakArchipelago #Jeddah #Jazan #SaudiArabia #Buraydah #Riyadh #PersianGulf #Kuwait #AlJubail #Bahrain #Qatar #AbuDhabi #Dubai #UnitedArabEmirates #Isfahan #Shiraz #Iran #Ashgabat #Turkmenistan #Mashhad #CentralAfrica #Chad #Sudan #AlKhanafahWildlifeSanctuary #CaspianSea #IranianHighlands #KaplankyrReserve #AmudaryaRiver #KarakumDesert #LakeBalkhash #Kazakhstan #TheAltaiMountains #KhovsgolLake #Mongolia #SayanMountains #LakeBaikal #Siberia #Vladivostok #LakeKhanka #PrimorskyKrai #Russia #StraitofTartary #Europe #Alps #France #Germany #Italy #Switzerland #LakeConstance #LakeGeneva #LigurianSea #Corsica #AdriaticSea #Balkans #GarabogazkölBasin #TurkmenbashiGulf #ChelekenPeninsula #Turkmenistan #KopetDagMountains #Afghanistan #Tajikistan #Pamirmountains #RegistanDesert #Balochistanmountains #Pakistan #LosAngeles #California #USA #GulfofCalifornia #Mexico #Guadalajara #LakeChapala #Jalisco #GrandCanyonNationalPark #Colorado #TheGreatPlains #BlackHillsNationalForest
SpaceX NASA: Earth From Space seen from Crew Dragon Arrival at Space Station

SpaceX NASA: Earth From Space seen from Crew Dragon Arrival at Space Station

NEW Stream - Earth from Space: SpaceX Crew-1 mission with NASA astronauts launched to Space Station as part of Commercial Crew Program. Liftoff of Falcon 9 crewed mission from LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida occurred on Sunday, November 15 at 7:27 p.m. EST (00:27 UTC, Nov. 15). Resilience Crew Dragon is now docked to ISS with NASA astronauts Michael Hopkins, Victor Glover, and Shannon Walker along with JAXA astronaut Soichi Noguchi, all members of the Expedition 64 crew. 🔭 Best telescopes in 2022 - 👕 Check out our T-Shirts & Hoodies Store! 🔔 Spaceflight Alerts | Rocket Launch Notifications Android version: iOS version: ► Want to support what we do? Become a YouTube member for bonus perks! Crew-1 is the first operational mission to the ISS. The mission is expected to last 180 days, meaning the flight will return to Earth sometime around June 2021. Once the Crew-1 mission is complete, four astronauts will fly on Dragon’s second six-month operational Crew-2 mission targeted for 2021. #Crew1 #Crew1Docking #NASALive #SpaceX ► Follow Us On Twitter ► Video courtesy by NASA

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